How do you generate a secret link for a recipient from the sent page?
With Promoly you can generate a 'secret link' for any recipient. Secret links are great if you don't want to send a promo through email, but you still want a secure way of sharing trackable audio. Occasionally you may wish to generate a secret link for a recipient who has already received the promo. For example, the recipient may have deleted your promo by accident, or perhaps you're talking to them over Facebook Messenger and want them to engage with your promo.
Head to and find the correct promo and recipient. Using the search bar is quickest. On the far right, you'll see a padlock. Click the padlock and Promoly will generate a secret link to that promo. You can share the link with the recipient.

Ensure you generate the correct secret link for the correct recipient. Generating a link for and sharing it with will give you incorrect stats.
Tip: Use secret links when you are talking to an influencer, dj or tastemaker in real-time over Messenger or WhatsApp.
Head to and find the correct promo and recipient. Using the search bar is quickest. On the far right, you'll see a padlock. Click the padlock and Promoly will generate a secret link to that promo. You can share the link with the recipient.

Ensure you generate the correct secret link for the correct recipient. Generating a link for and sharing it with will give you incorrect stats.
Tip: Use secret links when you are talking to an influencer, dj or tastemaker in real-time over Messenger or WhatsApp.
Updated on: 26/06/2021
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