What is the promo pool?
We are doing hard work behind the scenes gathering relevant DJ, blog, and press contacts who are looking for fresh content. These contacts are free for you to import into your list inside promoly. All subscribers have opted-in to receive music from our users. What about the list quality? We can maintain a high-quality list by requiring all candidates to fill out a thorough sign-up form. This sifts out the majority of low-quality submissions. We do what we can, but we still encourage you toSome readersFinding the promo pool
The promo pool can be found via your mailer.promo.ly dash. It's in the left menu. If you're already logged in, please head to this link. — Tip! Make sure to know the genre of your campaign before creating the list as this will not be able to change. If you missed this, you will have to start over again to create a list of the genre. Please follow the neFew readers