My promos are going to SPAM
Your promos should not be going to your recipient’s SPAM folder. One of the main reasons this may happen is because spam filtering has become more meticulous. Email providers are attempting to eliminate spam by tightening their filters. However, the filters aren’t always 100% accurate, so occasionally legitimate promos go to spam too. If you encounter your promos landing in SPAM, please message us on chat, and we’ll check things out for you. Tips for keeping out for SPAM: Don't include lotsSome readersWhy is my promo pending?
When you send a promo, Promoly will start scheduling delivery. During this time, the status is . Once complete, Promoly changes the status to cued. When you see cued, Promoly delivery is imminent or for the time you schedulled. Trouble shooting: If you haven't scheduled a campaign for future delivery and 'pending' is displayed for longer than an ~hour, there is likely a problem. Promoly has paused sending until the problem has fixed. Here are thingSome readersPromo email queue
After creating a promo campaign, selecting your recipients and clicking ‘send’, your promo emails are added to the sent queue. Promoly processes the queue within a few minutes. Promoly will start scheduling delivery. During this time, the status is . Once complete, Promoly changes the status to cued. When you see cued, Promoly delivery is imminent and will display sent.Some readersWhat is the status column?
On the sent page, Promoly will display the list of outgoing promos. Included is the recipient column. When Promoly sends promo campaigns it displays different status' depending on the progress of the outgoing promo.Few readersHow does the activity column work?
On the sent page, Promoly will display the list of outgoing promos. Included is the activity column, which displays a snapshot of activity for each outgoing promo and recipient.Few readersHow do you generate a secret link for a recipient from the sent page?
With Promoly you can generate a 'secret link' for any recipient. Secret links are great if you don't want to send a promo through email, but you still want a secure way of sharing trackable audio. Occasionally you may wish to generate a secret link for a recipient who has already received the promo. For example, the recipient may have deleted your promo by accident, or perhaps you're talking to them over Facebook Messenger and want them to engage with your promo. Head to readersWhat is the send date column?
On the sent page, Promoly will display the list of outgoing promos. Included is the send date column. When you send/schedule a promo, Promoly will display the date that the promo is either sent or scheduled.Few readersWhat is the max age drop down?
Promoly allows filtering by max age (when you sent the promo) on the sent page. The presets are 30, 90, 180, 360, 720 & 9999 days. For example, if you sent a promo 35 days ago, you can filter the list to 90 to narrow down the search result.Few readersWhat is the recipient column?
On the sent page, Promoly will display the list of outgoing promos. Included is the recipient column, showing you the email address the promo is sent to.Few readers